nada moo

Milk and I are over.

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“They aren’t sugar free” my favorite neighbor, Randy, exclaimed as he offered me a cupcake he  made for his daughter’s birthday. He knew I was on a mission to lose weight and I suppose that was his way of helping me. “Oh, … I don’t eat sugar free” I responded. Randy looked puzzled, “You confuse me girl”.  “I eat real sugar, basically just take everything the media says and do the complete opposite!” I added laughing out loud. You would be laughing  too if you knew Randy. Fat is bad. That is what we have been brainwashed to believe. We shouldn’t eat fat. We should watch our sugar and salt intake.  Correction we shouldn’t even be looking at sugar directly but instead drowning our organs and brain matter  in obscene amounts of man made artificial sweeteners! A rant for another time and another blog.  Don’t  eat avocados, don’t eat carbs, don’t eat fruit?! (I have actually heard that one!)And do not even think about eating pizza or pasta! Exhausting isn’t it? I’m exhausted just thinking and typing about it, sheesh. No wonder why we (America) struggle with our weight, we have no idea what we are supposed to eat because everything is bad! I guess I would have to add Randy to the  list of people  who the media has confused, but  at least not corrupted , since he eats  just about whatever he wants.

About the only thing my boyfriend’s, mom (Palula as we call her) uses to cook  with anymore  is pure, organic, coconut oil.  At Thanksgiving, the next morning she reheated her homemade stuffing on the stove in coconut oil. I was hooked! Now the media would have you believe that it is high in fat and least you forget that fat is BAD! They were right, coconut is very fatty,and those fats are called medium chain fatty acids or MCFAs. Take a moment to make peace in your mind with this fat, you’re body will use it for good, not evil. MCFAs  quickly convert into energy for the body to use, rather than fat storage, helping to shed belly fat. This is music to my ears, since I am Hispanic and this is where Hispanic people tend to carry their weight. I obsessively worry about this, since it is  linked to diabetes later in life and diabetes, gallop rampantly in my family on my dad’s side. Palula also told me of some clients of hers that eat a tablespoon of coconut oil every morning to help with energy levels. I have struggled with energy or lack there of since I was little. This is where I started. For a few consecutive mornings I smeared some on an English muffin and was delighted by its taste and could genuinely tell a difference in my energy levels.

After another conversation with Palula about milk and what’s in it these days, particularly rBGH, bovine growth hormone,  I was informed that Palula doesn’t use milk much either.  Palula’s brother, a former federal milk inspector, also won’t drink milk sometimes depending on what he saw on the job. rBGH  is injected into cows to increase milk production. The problem is no one is quite sure if it safe. Plus, it also increases puss production which ends up in your milk, as well as mine. I apologize if you were indeed drinking milk while reading this, but someone might as well tell you and it might as well be me. Palula suggested coconut milk and thus started my love affair with all things coconut.

Coconut oil, coconut water, coconut milk, coconut bread, even coconut  ice cream! Watch out milk! There’s a new kid in town.


Yes! This is an actual picture from my pantry. I will also tell you a secret, I have another carton in my fridge! Love affair, remember? I started using coconut milk when I stumbled upon a smoothie recipe in Health magazine (  that touted its belly slimming benefits. It is quite delicious and can be thrown in a blender and made quickly. I should also quickly mention that it has a lot less sugar than milk. I have a  mainly vegetarian friend who would beg me to make it when she came over.

Black Berry- Banana Slim- Down Smoothie

2 cups frozen blackberries

1 banana 

1/2 cup light coconut milk

1/2 cup yogurt (Health says use low-fat, I use Fage Greek yogurt 2%)

2 Tbsp lemon juice

1 Tbsp honey

1tsp lemon zest (I use organic lemons to avoid pesticides that may be on the peel)

Makes 2 servings. About 250 calories.

Coconut milk is also great in cereal and when baking too!

Around my house washing the dishes is a grand production that never seems to end. When you cook three meals a day there are always dishes! Add winter to the above and my hands began to suffer. The only thing that saved my hands was rubbing them with coconut oil before I did the dishes. It left them soft and moisturized and because  of the smell I could trick myself into thinking I was someplace tropical, or at least that it wasn’t the dead of an extremely cold winter and I wasn’t stuck inside doing the dishes.

I found this vanilla coconut body moisturize, again by Badger Balm ( When I was looking for this to write about, I realized I have about 5 different tins of different balms, so I guess I really like their products! I use this on my hands and lips mainly, love how soft it makes my skin and love the smell!

As far as coconut water, I find it to be hydrating, full of electrolytes and great alternative to high fructose corn syrup sports drinks. I really like  mango flavored O.N.E coconut water ( 8 o.z is about 77 calories, a bit high in sugar so I try to drink them in moderation. These are a bit pricy too, so lately I have been buying coconuts and draining the water out of them myself.

Prepare yourself, I am about to tell you my latest find, coconut ice cream. The brand I buy  is expensive. My mother told me she did not need to buy it, because she did not need it that badly. Even at $4.99 a pint, I buy Nada Moo coconut milk ice cream. I used to be a connoisseur of Blue Bell ice cream. I have fond memories when I was little of my dad taking me to get a scoop at the mall. Maybe that’s why I loved it so. I picked up Nada Moo not long ago and dare I say its better than regular ice cream. I eat a very small amount at a time to make it last. Words cannot explain how amazing  it is if you add coconut milk and strawberries and blend it up into a coconut milk shake! If you try some let me know what you think! for information, I found it at HEB. Nada Moo is kosher, vegan, fair trade, gluten free  and organic!


If you cannot tell, the picture you see above is of rolls, coconut rolls! I told you! Love affair! The boyfriend and  I have both had two a piece today. I dumped the ingredients into my bread machine and let them do their thing on the dough setting. Then I separated them  and baked them for 30 minutes. This is what I got, big, light, fluffy, delicious rolls! The coconut flavor is very delicate. They are sweeter than a normal bread roll but versatile. I had one while eating tortilla soup and another with a little grape jelly on top for breakfast. Do yourself a favor and make some! for the recipe, they are called Pan de Coco and are a Honduran specialty.

Needless to say, my relationship with milk is probably over. Strained at least. I didn’t really consume  milk that much before, frankly it makes my stomach feel heavy and bloated. I try and be in tune with my body and how the foods I eat make me feel. Back to the beginning of my blog, I do think we should consume all things in moderation, minus chemicals. Plus, I think it’s worthless to get caught up in what is good and what is bad.  After all, I have been known to eat at my favorite Mexican restaurant  a time or two and not feel the least bit of  guilt about it. Thanks for letting me tell you about my new love! Like always, if you like what you read, please subscribe to my blog in the top right corner!